Infant with Severe Colic Resolved with Fascial Counterstrain (FCS).

This 7-week old girl suffered from severe gastro-intestinal pain that manifested within 15-30 minutes following nursing. Her mother reported that this had been the case since her first week. Her twin brother suffered from the same condition only much less severe.

Despite following all the normal protocols for dealing with the painful symptoms of Colic her condition, like that of many newborns, persisted.

Evaluation Findings:

Eliana, having just eaten 10 minutes prior to my examination, was starting to develop signs of gastro-intestinal distress.
case-report-infant-colic_1 Her abdomen had already begun to swell and she had drawn up her legs to take some of the tension out of her painful abdomen.

Cranial scan evaluation revealed almost pure visceral dysfunction. There was no evidence of dural tension or vascular dysfunction. Peripheral nerves were showing mild signs of dysfunction in the lower half, both anterior and posterior. Lower half neural irritations are commonly associated with visceral dysfunctions. In many cases, symptoms of sciatica, low back pain, SI Joint pain and dysfunction and complaints of hip pain have at their root, visceral dysfunction.


Her visceral scan indicated mostly mid level gastro-intestinal dysfunction with the digestive valves being the worst TP locations. In addition, her lower gastro-intestinal system was also quite severe.


She was treated once in January of 2014 for about 35 minutes. This was a purely visceral treatment and cleared the entire visceral cranial scan location, indicating that no more fascial dysfunction remained in the visceral system. Within 5-8 minutes of treatment, she was noticeably more relaxed and actually fell asleep. Fascial Counterstain (FCS) treatment continued for the middle case-report-infant-colic_2GI system and lower GI system until the abdomen was soft and normal motility had returned.


Despite only having one, 1/2 hour treatment of fascial counterstrain, Eliana had a dramatic and complete recovery. Her screaming and restless behavior stopped entirely. Her sleep improved dramatically and her irritable and cranky, post-meal condition shifted completely to being happy and energetic. Her obvious pain complaints disappeared. The complete testimony as relayed by Eliana’s mother can be found on our Facebook page.

Pain from the dysfunction associated with the visceral membranes and visceral ligaments is extremely common. Though it frequently does cause symptoms associated with actual visceral problems, it also contributes greatly to common muscle and joint complaints. Things like shoulder pain, rotator cuff pain, ribcage pain, neck pain, mid back pain, lower back pain, sciatica, tight hamstrings, achilles pain, foot pain and plantar fasciitis are all examples of conditions that can and frequently do have visceral dysfunction at the root of the painful syndrome.

If this sounds like something you have experienced in the past and have struggled to find any lasting relief, please don’t hesitate to call for more information or to schedule an evaluation with one of our practitioners.