Andrea C. Mohrle, MSPT, JSCC – Olympia, WA

I have been using the Strain-Counterstrain technique since 2001, was certified in the technique in 2004, and had been keeping  up with my skills through using S/CS almost exclusively when performing manual therapy in the clinic, table training or assisting with Jones’ classes when needed, and taking each of the new fascial courses as soon as they have been taught nearby. I felt quite confident in my skills and ability to apply the technique successfully. I have known of Tim’s internship program almost since it’s beginning, and knew that I could still learn a lot from him, but there were always reasons to put it off. 

Last fall, life circumstances finally convinced me that I must not put this off any longer and I began my training through the Counterstrain Academy in January 2015. My expectations have been exceeded greatly! The small class size is wonderful, you get lots of one-on-one attention, instruction and coaching to make sure that you indeed can master this amazing technique. 

There is so much more that can be taught by having more time in class as well as time in between class sessions to go and practice the material. Treatments that were not included in the Jones’ classes either due to time constraints or because it is new material that was not taught when I took the course initially, are also part of this curriculum. Spending time really learning the cranial scan, and what can give you incorrect findings and what to do to avoid these pitfalls, has greatly improved the effectiveness of my treatments in the clinic. I think it would be safe to say that I am at least twice as effective in my treatments now compared to one year ago (before beginning the Mastery Program), and I have not yet completed the 3rdmodule! It is truly amazing to think about how much more I still have the potential to affect once I have completed all the modules ( I think there will be 6 by next year)! 

This is truly exciting and has been an invaluable experience. Yes, it does seem quite pricey to study at the Counterstrain Academy, but I believe it is worth every cent that I’ve paid (and will continue to pay) for these courses. I could not have improved my skills to this level by any other method.