My name is Terra. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. In my case, the left side of my body is more affected that the right, but my legs experience more difficulty than my arms. I am able to move about and walk independently with the assistance of forearm crutches. I can move about, eat speak work and live independently, but my body doesn’t always do what I want it to do. At times, it can feel like my body is working against my will. My muscles try to perform the action the brain is telling them to do, but they react to the brain signal by overcompensating. Once my muscles relax enough, I can accomplish what I set out to do.
When using my forearm crutches, my posture while standing was always hunched over, out of fear that if I put my heels all the way of the ground, there was a possibility that I could fall backwards. When taking steps, I was always on my toes. My stepping pattern was toe to partial –heel, never heel-toe, because I would rely so heavily on my crutches, constantly leaning forward out of fear of falling, my arms would stabilize me, rather than using my body support me.
Since starting Fascial Counterstrain method, I’ve been able to accomplish things that I’ve never been capable of doing! When I lay flat on my back, my feet can point straight up to the ceiling, whereas before hips would always fall out to the side. I can now put my heels on the ground while stepping and standing up right, putting minimal weight on my crutches, using my legs/body to maneuver in a more effective way.
Fascial Counterstrain has helped make substantial improvements to the way my body functions, I feel I have more endurance. I’m able to get around efficiently! I trip and fall much less. I find myself actually wanting to walk because it feels right. Currently, I am training to do run/walk in September. Last year I made it to 1.5 miles in 51 minutes- hoping to get 2 miles this year, shaving off even more time! I am incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to participate in this type of therapy.