Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Willy Cherry, PT Willy Cherry PT Inc
Fresno, California


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a serious, long-term illness that affects many body systems. Another name for it is myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). CFS can often make you unable to do usual activities. Sometimes you may not even be able to get out of bed. The cause of CFS is unknown and there's no single test to confirm a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS can be unpredictable. Symptoms are variable and may include: - Fatigue that is not improved by rest - Loss of memory or concentration and difficulty thinking - Extreme sensitivity to smells, visual and auditory stimuli - Unexplained muscle or joint pain - Headaches, dizziness - Extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after physical or mental exercise


Gina is a Physical Therapist. Over 28 years ago she began having unrelenting pain, first in her hands. Pain was soon everywhere. Low back, sacroiliac, head and neck pain was unrelenting. Headaches were severe. She had difficulty remembering things and her thinking was cloudy. Simple activities like going to the store would take a day to recover from. Mornings were particularly difficult; it often took hours for stiffness and pain to lessen to levels to which she could tolerate moving about. Sounds and smells or bright lights could trigger bouts of fatigue. Foods and red wine also became triggers. Walking was difficult and walking on grass or uneven surfaces would escalate low back and SI pain to intolerable levels. She was unable to work and participation in daily activity was severely limited. I have worked with Gina for over 20 years. She was grateful for brief periods of relief that my treatment prior to Fascial Counterstrain afforded. Sacroiliac dysfunctions and asymmetries were constantly recurring. Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) rapidly allowed things to change. Dural treatments lessened headaches and global pain. Lymphatic venous and tendon treatment around the hips resolved the recurring biomechanical faults in the SI joints and pelvic girdle. Pelvic girdle asymmetries have not shown up since treatment with FCS. A multisystem approach to the viscera resulted in steadily diminishing food sensitivities, Gina was very happy to be able to enjoy wine again. Improving vascularity in and out of the spinal cord and cranium seemed to allow advances in cognition and memory. All systems have been involved and have contributed to her steady improvement. Gina’s progress has been remarkable, twin grandchildren were born and Gina was able to baby sit them a few days a week with only the expected fatigue any one would experience with that wonderful responsibility. She has been able to drive 3 hours to the coast, garden, return from the coast, shop and entertain friends at home without repercussion. Any one of those activities would have taken 1-3 days recovery prior to FCS. Early June 2018 Gina came into my office and wanted to talk. She had a serious question. Given our history, the question was totally unexpected. She asked, “ Do you think it would be ok for me to go back to work a couple days a week?” I was stunned. I knew she was doing much better but this level of confidence in her physical and mental abilities was amazing. She is now working 2 days a week in a busy orthopedic surgical facility doing pre/post operative care. Fascial Counterstrain has given her a life back.