Mixed Motor Disorder/Dystonia

Willy Cherry, PT Willy Cherry PT Inc
Fresno, California


Tremors are involuntary uncontrollable muscle oscillations in one or more body parts. Tremors can be the result of:
  • Neurological disorders such as MS, stroke, or a traumatic brain injury, which can affect parts of the brain controlling muscles throughout the body.
  • Neurodegenerative diseases, which may damage or destroy parts of the brainstem.
  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Side effects of medications.
Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, resulting in repetitive movements or abnormal postures. One muscle can be affected or the entire body. Stiff man syndrome (SMS) is a rare neurological disorder with features of an autoimmune disease. SPS is characterized by fluctuating muscle rigidity in the trunk and limbs and a heightened sensitivity to stimuli such as noise, touch, and emotional distress, which can set off muscle spasms. Abnormal postures, often hunched over and stiffened, are characteristic of the disorder. People with SPS can be too disabled to walk or move, or they are afraid to leave the house because street noises, such as the sound of a horn, can trigger spasms and falls.


A multisystem approach is necessary. The Dura covering the spinal cord and brain is often a primary system to address. All of the cranial nerves and the somatic nerves that go to every part of the body pass through and are influenced by excessive tension created in the Dura. This tension can create a lowering of the threshold of reactivity of individual or multiple nerves. They can fire unexpectedly and often creating tremors or more violent contractions in reaction to a small stimuli or movement. The blood supply to the brain and spinal cord, both venous drainage and the arterial inflow of oxygenated is another system high in the order of importance, peripheral blood supply can also be involved. Cranial nerves also rank high in importance with the Vagus Nerve and its global influence on the autonomic system often being involved. Periosteum covering of the bones is another big influence, it is continuous with every structure between it and the skin and is often a part of global over reactivity in multiple systems. The Fascial Counterstrain Cranial Scan scan allows a skilled practitioner to identify and prioritize the involved systems and design a course of intervention.


Joye nicely explains her experience and progress in her letter. Her tremor is most often totally absent. She experiences no violent full body spasms. She is no longer hypersensitive to noise or other stimuli. "This last ailment diagnosed by Stanford University & San Francisco Medical Center, included tremors, cervical dystonia, and troublesome, stiffman disease which took away my independence. Unable to write, type, button my clothes, pluck my eyebrows and put on makeup to say the least, I had to quit my job. My neurologist let me try physical therapy. That's when you started with with a new treatment plan, Fascial Counterstrain. I began to regain my independence and get my life back. Little by little my abilities, my balance and endurance returned. It took time, but well worth it. My neurologist was astounded at my improvement and said he had never witnessed anything like it. My muscles relaxed and the spasms are far and few between. The tremors are almost non-existent. I know I had a ways to go but with you I am confident it will only get better. Thank you for your caring heart and all your hard work. Reminds me of listening to a country western song backwards. I get my life back, my job back, my confidence, and my independence. Forever Grateful, Joye" I am always amazed at what my patients forget to tell me. At one of our recent visits Joye was recounting all the things that she has been able to add back into her life: the ability to feed and dress herself, normal activity around the house, keeping up with her grandchildren, walking, exercising and more. Then she remarked, “Oh, I forgot to tell you I went back to work full time a couple of weeks ago!”