address 6400 Goldsboro Rd Suite 340
BethesdaMaryland 20817
CS Instructor Status N/A

Introductory Courses Intro, Lymphatic/Venous, Musculoskeletal III, Musculoskeletal II, Neural Upper Quadrant, Musculoskeletal I, Neural Lower Quadrant, Arterial,

Lealah Fremuth, PT

Lealah works in Bethesda, MD, and utilizes fascial counterstrain as the primary means through which she serves a diverse population of patients. Originally trained as an orthopedic and vestibular specialist, she thanks fascial counterstrain for building on that background so that she can identify and comprehensively treat dysfunctional systems throughout the body. Lealah strives to understand the patient as a whole, treating everyone with compassion and individualized care.