Willy graduated from Fresno State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy in 1989. His interest in body work started after a serious motorcycle injury in 1979. Recovering from his own injuries lead to a path that included various methods of body and energy work. He is the founder and co-owner of Function & Action Physical Therapy in Clovis CA since 1993. The introduction to Counterstrain in 2014 was inspiring, finally a system that has a clear diagnostic tool, interventions that provide practitioner and patient with immediate feedback, along with outcomes not obtainable with other approaches. A couple of hours of treatment by Tim Hodges provided more relief and change than any other form of treatment applied since his initial injury and cemented his resolve to learn, master and teach others this wonderful approach. The Counterstrain Academy was the obvious choice as the fastest path to mastery of this constantly evolving method.