As Featured in “Life Force” by Anthony Robbins #1 New York Times Bestseller

In this latest offering from NYTimes best-selling author Tony Robbins, readers are introduced to the methods, treatments and procedures, that have helped keep Tony and some of the best athletes around the world to stay healthy, strong, and at their peak. In chapter 11, which outlines new and groundbreaking advances in the treatment of pain, Tony explains how Counterstrain has been instrumental in helping him and  thousands of satisfied clients around the world. As he explains, “[Counterstrain] is in my top three methods of helping to eliminate pain and improve performance” and is something he has come to rely upon for continued health and vitality.

Click here to purchase Life Force on Amazon.


EXCITING NEWS – Read the Recent Publication by Brian Tuckey, PT, OCS, JSCCI

Exciting news! A recent article written by Brian Tuckey et al. has been published to Frontiers In Pain Research. Brian and his colleagues–from around the world–have worked long and hard on this research article.

The article titled “Impaired Lymphatic Drainage and Interstitial Inflammatory Stasis in Chronic Musculoskeletal and Idiopathic Pain Syndromes: Exploring a Novel Mechanism,” can be found at the link provided below.



Interview Series with Fascial Counterstrain Innovator Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI

Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is an innovative system of soft tissue manipulation developed by board certified orthopedic specialist, Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI. Listen to the first in a series of interviews with the creator of Fascial Counterstrain.

Episode 1 introduces Brian’s academic background which led to the eventual development of Fascial Counterstrain.



Episode 2 dives deeper into Brian’s process of discovering the role of fascia in the body and the development of new treatments.



 In Episode 3, Brian and Tim discuss mechanotransduction and the evolution of Fascial Counterstrain.



 Episode 4 highlights the discovery of the Cranial Scan, how it speeds diagnosis and aids with continued Fascial Counterstrain development.



Episode 5 outlines the Fascial Counterstrain training process with system-associated conditions and case examples. 


Episode 6 covers specific conditions, clinical applications, case studies and additional tools such as 3D Counterstrain.

Announcing FCS Update Course Video Series


Counterstrain practitioners with the associated prerequisites may now complete Fascial Counterstrain Update courses from the CSC 2020 Convention. The CSC 2020 FCS Update Courses feature instruction from Brian Tuckey, PT, OCS, JSCCI and Tim Hodges, LMT, JSCCI, CACI.

“This is an unprecedented opportunity
to advance your FCS skills and satisfy multiple prerequisites
by attending one event!”

This is a unique opportunity to bring your FCS skills up to speed with one series of courses you can complete from home. Learn game changers like Segmental Motion Testing, new approach to Scar Tissue and complete the prerequisites required for the new Central Sensitization Series.

Fascial Counterstrain Update Video Courses:

Motion Testing: NEW for FCS, rapid full-body motion assessment.
FCS for Scar Tissue: BRAND NEW approach for scar tissue assessment and treatment.
FCS Visceral: UPDATED segmental approach for the Mesentery, covering the entire spine.
FCS Lymphatic/Venous: NEW and COMPLETED techniques for the entire spinal cord.
FCS Arterial: NEW and COMPLETED techniques for the entire spinal cord blood supply.
FCS MS2: NEVER BEFORE TAUGHT techniques for upper & lower extremities focusing on end-plate dysfunction.

Read more about the CSC 2020 FCS Update Courses Video Series